Acting for Anxiety


For some, therapy and acting are equally intimidating prospects. Each can bring fears of exposure and criticism, carry a level of performance anxiety, and feel emotionally exposing.

But they’re both simpler than they appear. Both are about being as honest as we can be with the circumstances we’re given (our life/the play), responding to what we say and hear in the moment, and facilitating change (the character’s, or our own).

This short course will include

  • Interpretations gestures, what others might be communicating and how we experience others/they experience us via the words we use.

  • How does the pace of our communication (the way we speak and the pace of our body language) affect our own anxiety and how other’s experience us.

  • How our emotions are expressed in non-verbal ways and how these can be interpreted by and responded to by others.

This short course gives participants an opportunity to see how playing with text can illuminate real life, and how expressing real life can benefit from creative approaches.

The course is presented by Benet Catty, an integrative psychotherapist who was previously a theatre director and playwright for almost twenty years, during which time he worked extensively in drama schools training actors.